Books & Publications


Fiona E. Gibbon and Alice Lee (2011)
Articulation – Instruments for Research and Clinical Practice
In Sara Howard and, Anette Lohmander (Eds.) 
Cleft Palate Speech: Assessment and Intervention Publications, Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, p221.

Six pages on the use of EPG for diagnosis and treatment of cleft palate speech including a description of abnormal EPG patterns seen  in this client group.
Gibbon, F. and Wood, S. (2010)
Visual feedback therapy with electropalatography (EPG) for speech sound disorders in children.
In L. Williams, S. McLeod and R. McCauley (Eds.)
Interventions in Speech Sound
Disorders in Children . Brookes: Baltimore pp. 509-536.
McLeod, S. & Singh, S. (2009)
Speech sounds: A pictorial guide to typical and atypical speech. San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing.

Each English sound is described and pictured in a photograph, schematic diagram, ultrasound image and EPG frame. 
McLeod, S. & Singh, S. (2009)
Seeing speech: A quick guide to speech sounds. San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing.

Each sound is represented on each side of the divided pages. Each side can be 'flipped' independently so any two sounds can be compared. The sound is described together with a photograph, diagram, ultrasound image and EPG frame.

Other Selected Publications

30 November 2008 SPEECH & LANGUAGE THERAPY IN PRACTICE MAGAZINE COVER STORY: HOW I USE ELECTROPALATOGRAPHY (1) “In his [Gabriel’s] case treatment needs to address respiration and phonation instead of articulation to try to improve his intelligibility. We didn’t know this before his speech was evaluated by EPG…”
When traditional therapy techniques were not proving effective with two boys who have dysarthria due to dyskinetic cerebral palsy, Ann Nordberg, Elvira Berg, Goran Carlsson and Anette Lohmader offered real-time visual feedback through EPG.
(2) “…for a person whose intelligibility is severely reduced and who – for whatever reason – cannot use AAC, EPG could be worth pursuing even for small gains.”
Lesley Anne Smith explains how EPG had a small but important impact on articulatory dyspraxia and intelligibility of a patient who had suffered a stroke.
Cover of current issue

Full EPG Bibliography